Saving WordPress Post without Reloading Page (Admin Side) – The Ultimate Guide
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Saving WordPress Post without Reloading Page (Admin Side) – The Ultimate Guide

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As a WordPress developer or administrator, you’ve likely encountered a frustrating situation where you need to save a post without reloading the entire page. This can be particularly annoying when working with large or complex content, as reloading the page can cause you to lose your place or, worse, lose your work altogether. In this article, we’ll explore the ways to save a WordPress post without reloading the page, specifically focusing on the admin side of things.

The Importance of Saving Without Reloading

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s discuss why saving without reloading is crucial for a seamless WordPress experience. Here are a few reasons:

  • Improved productivity: Saving without reloading allows you to work more efficiently, reducing the time spent waiting for pages to load and reload.

  • Better user experience: By saving posts without reloading, you can minimize disruptions to your workflow, ensuring a smoother experience for both administrators and users.

  • Reduced errors: Reloading pages can lead to lost work or errors, especially when dealing with complex content. Saving without reloading minimizes these risks.

Method 1: Using the WordPress REST API

One of the most efficient ways to save a WordPress post without reloading the page is by leveraging the WordPress REST API. This method requires some programming knowledge, but it’s a powerful solution worth exploring.

Step 1: Enable the WordPress REST API

To get started, you’ll need to enable the WordPress REST API. You can do this by adding the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:

function enable_rest_api() {
  add_filter('rest_authentication_required', '__return_true');
add_action('rest_api_init', 'enable_rest_api', 10, 0);

Step 2: Create a JavaScript Function

Next, create a JavaScript function that will handle the saving of the post without reloading the page. You can add this code to your theme’s JavaScript file:

function savePostWithoutReload(postId, postContent) {
  let apiEndpoint = '/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/' + postId;
  let apiHeaders = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-WP-Nonce': '<%= wp_create_nonce("wp_rest") %>'
  let apiData = {
    'post_content': postContent
  fetch(apiEndpoint, {
    method: 'PATCH',
    headers: apiHeaders,
    body: JSON.stringify(apiData)
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => console.log('Post saved successfully!'))
  .catch(error => console.error('Error saving post:', error));

Step 3: Integrate with Your WordPress Post Editor

To integrate the JavaScript function with your WordPress post editor, you’ll need to add a button or link that triggers the function when clicked. You can add this code to your theme’s PHP file:

function add_save_button() {

Method 2: Using Ajax and PHP

Another approach to saving a WordPress post without reloading the page is by using Ajax and PHP. This method is a bit more complex, but it's a viable alternative to the REST API method.

Step 1: Create an Ajax Function

First, create an Ajax function that will handle the saving of the post without reloading the page. You can add this code to your theme's JavaScript file:

function savePostWithoutReloadAjax(postId, postContent) {
  let ajaxUrl = '';
  let nonce = '';, {
    action: 'save_post_without_reload',
    postId: postId,
    postContent: postContent,
    nonce: nonce
  .done(function(response) {
    console.log('Post saved successfully!');
  .fail(function(error) {
    console.error('Error saving post:', error);

Step 2: Create a PHP Function to Handle the Ajax Request

Next, create a PHP function that will handle the Ajax request and save the post without reloading the page. You can add this code to your theme's functions.php file:

function save_post_without_reload_function() {
  $postId = $_POST['postId'];
  $postContent = $_POST['postContent'];
  $postArgs = array(
    'ID' => $postId,
    'post_content' => $postContent
add_action('wp_ajax_save_post_without_reload', 'save_post_without_reload_function');

Step 3: Integrate with Your WordPress Post Editor

To integrate the Ajax function with your WordPress post editor, you'll need to add a button or link that triggers the function when clicked. You can add this code to your theme's PHP file:

function add_save_button_ajax() {

Method 3: Using a Third-Party Plugin

If you're not comfortable with code or prefer a more straightforward solution, you can use a third-party plugin to save a WordPress post without reloading the page. One popular plugin for this purpose is the Instant Publish plugin.

Step 1: Install and Activate the Plugin

Install and activate the Instant Publish plugin from the WordPress Plugin Directory or by uploading it to your site.

Step 2: Configure the Plugin

Once activated, go to the plugin's settings page and configure it to your liking. You can choose to save posts automatically or manually using a button.

Step 3: Start Saving Without Reloading

With the plugin configured, you can start saving your WordPress posts without reloading the page. The plugin will handle the saving process in the background, allowing you to work more efficiently.

Method Advantages Disadvantages
WordPress REST API Flexible and customizable, scalable for large-scale applications Requires programming knowledge, may have compatibility issues with some plugins
Ajax and PHP Relatively easy to implement, suitable for most WordPress sites
Third-Party Plugin Easy to install and configure, suitable for non-technical users


Saving a WordPress post without reloading the page is a valuable feature that can greatly improve your productivity and user experience. By using one of the methods outlined in this article, you can achieve this functionality and take your WordPress site to the next level. Remember to choose the method that best suits your needs and skill level, and don't hesitate to experiment with different approaches until you find the one that works best for you.Here are 5 Questions and Answers about "Saving WordPress post without reloading page (admin side)":

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on saving WordPress posts without reloading the page on the admin side!

Can I save a WordPress post without reloading the page?

Yes, you can! Using JavaScript and AJAX, you can send a request to the server to save the post without reloading the page. This technique is commonly used in many WordPress plugins and themes.

How does WordPress handle saving a post without reloading the page?

When you save a post, WordPress sends an AJAX request to the server, which processes the request and saves the post. The response is then sent back to the browser, allowing the page to update dynamically without a full page reload.

What are the benefits of saving a WordPress post without reloading the page?

Saving a post without reloading the page provides a seamless user experience, increases productivity, and reduces the load on the server. It also allows for real-time validation and feedback, ensuring that any errors are caught and addressed promptly.

Are there any security concerns when saving a WordPress post without reloading the page?

While saving a post without reloading the page can introduce security risks, such as CSRF attacks, WordPress has built-in security measures to mitigate these risks. By using WordPress's built-in AJAX functionality and following best practices, you can ensure the security of your website.

Can I use this technique for saving other types of content in WordPress, such as pages or custom post types?

Absolutely! This technique can be applied to saving any type of content in WordPress, including pages, custom post types, and even metadata. Just be sure to adjust the code and functionality to fit the specific requirements of your use case.