Mastering Inventory Projection: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating PSI with Python Pandas
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Mastering Inventory Projection: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating PSI with Python Pandas

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Accurate inventory projection is the backbone of any successful supply chain management. It enables businesses to make informed decisions, reduce costs, and optimize their inventory levels. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of inventory projection and show you how to create a Projected Stock Inventory (PSI) using Python Pandas, leveraging three different data frames: Inventory, Purchase, and Shipment.

The Importance of Inventory Projection

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of creating a PSI, it’s essential to understand why inventory projection is crucial for businesses. Here are a few compelling reasons:

  • Optimized Inventory Levels**: Accurate projection helps businesses maintain optimal inventory levels, reducing the risk of stockouts and overstocking.
  • Cost Savings**: By predicting inventory needs, businesses can avoid costly last-minute purchases, reduce storage costs, and minimize waste.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction**: Inventory projection enables businesses to ensure timely delivery, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Preparing Your Data

For this tutorial, we’ll assume you have three separate data frames: Inventory, Purchase, and Shipment. Each data frame should contain the following columns:

Data Frame Columns
Inventory Item ID, Current Stock, Reorder Point, Reorder Quantity
Purchase Item ID, Purchase Date, Quantity
Shipment Item ID, Shipment Date, Quantity

Make sure your data is clean, and the columns are correctly formatted. You can use the following Python code to import and view your data frames:

import pandas as pd

inventory_df = pd.read_csv('inventory.csv')
purchase_df = pd.read_csv('purchase.csv')
shipment_df = pd.read_csv('shipment.csv')


Step 1: Merge Data Frames

To create a unified view of your inventory data, you’ll need to merge the Inventory, Purchase, and Shipment data frames. You can use the `merge` function in Pandas to achieve this:

merged_df = pd.merge(inventory_df, purchase_df, on='Item ID', how='left')
merged_df = pd.merge(merged_df, shipment_df, on='Item ID', how='left')

The resulting `merged_df` will contain all the columns from the three original data frames.

Step 2: Calculate Projected Stock Inventory (PSI)

Now that you have a merged data frame, it’s time to calculate the Projected Stock Inventory (PSI). PSI represents the projected stock level at a given point in time, taking into account incoming shipments and outgoing purchases.

Use the following formula to calculate PSI:

merged_df['PSI'] = merged_df['Current Stock'] + merged_df['Quantity_x'] - merged_df['Quantity_y']

In this formula, `Quantity_x` represents the incoming shipments, and `Quantity_y` represents the outgoing purchases.

Step 3: Handle Reorder Points and Quantities

To ensure accurate inventory projection, you need to consider the reorder points and quantities. When the PSI falls below the reorder point, you’ll need to place an order for the reorder quantity.

Use the following code to handle reorder points and quantities:

merged_df['Reorder Flag'] = np.where(merged_df['PSI'] <= merged_df['Reorder Point'], 1, 0)
merged_df['Reorder Quantity'] = np.where(merged_df['Reorder Flag'] == 1, merged_df['Reorder Quantity'], 0)

The `Reorder Flag` column will indicate whether an item needs to be reordered (1) or not (0). The `Reorder Quantity` column will display the quantity to be reordered.

Step 4: Visualize Your Results

Finally, let’s visualize the projected stock inventory using a line chart. This will help you identify trends and patterns in your inventory data:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot(merged_df['Item ID'], merged_df['PSI'])
plt.xlabel('Item ID')
plt.ylabel('Projected Stock Inventory')
plt.title('Projected Stock Inventory Over Time')

This chart will display the projected stock inventory for each item over time, enabling you to make informed decisions about your inventory management.


Creating an accurate Projected Stock Inventory (PSI) is crucial for businesses to optimize their inventory levels, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction. By following this step-by-step guide, you’ve learned how to merge three different data frames, calculate PSI, handle reorder points and quantities, and visualize your results using Python Pandas.

Remember to regularly update your data and re-run the PSI calculation to ensure accurate inventory projection. With this powerful tool, you’ll be able to make data-driven decisions and take your inventory management to the next level.

Additional Tips and Variations

If you want to take your inventory projection to the next level, consider the following variations:

  • Use machine learning algorithms to predict demand: Integrate machine learning algorithms, such as ARIMA or Prophet, to predict demand and improve the accuracy of your PSI calculation.
  • Incorporate external factors: Consider incorporating external factors, such as weather data, seasonal trends, or holidays, to improve the accuracy of your PSI calculation.
  • Integrate with other systems: Integrate your PSI calculation with other systems, such as ERP or CRM, to automate inventory management and improve overall supply chain efficiency.

By mastering inventory projection and adapting to changing market conditions, you’ll be able to stay ahead of the competition and drive business growth.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to master the art of creating inventory projections with Python Pandas!

What are the essential steps to create an inventory projection (PSI) using Python Pandas?

To create an inventory projection (PSI) using Python Pandas, follow these essential steps:
1. Import necessary libraries (pandas, numpy).
2. Load your three data frames: Inventory, Purchase, and Shipment.
3. Merge the three data frames based on a common column (e.g., product ID or date).
4. Calculate the total inventory, total purchases, and total shipments.
5. Project the future inventory levels based on historical trends and patterns.
6. Visualize the results using plots or charts to gain insights into your inventory projections.

How do I handle missing values in my data frames when creating an inventory projection (PSI)?

When dealing with missing values, you can either drop them using the `.dropna()` method or fill them using the `.fillna()` method. For example, you can fill missing values with the mean or median of the respective column using `.fillna(df[‘column’].mean())` or `.fillna(df[‘column’].median())`. Alternatively, you can impute missing values using more advanced techniques like K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) or linear regression.

What is the best way to merge the three data frames (Inventory, Purchase, and Shipment) for inventory projection (PSI)?

To merge the three data frames, use the `.merge()` function in Pandas. You can perform an inner join, left join, or right join based on a common column (e.g., product ID or date). For example: `merged_df = pd.merge(inventory_df, purchase_df, on=’product_id’, how=’inner’)`. Make sure to specify the correct join type and column to avoid duplicate rows or data loss.

How do I project future inventory levels based on historical trends and patterns in Python Pandas?

To project future inventory levels, use time series forecasting techniques like Exponential Smoothing (ETS), ARIMA, or Prophet. You can also use machine learning algorithms like Linear Regression, Decision Trees, or Random Forest. For example, you can use the `statsmodels` library for ETS and ARIMA models, or the `fbprophet` library for Prophet models. Then, use the `forecast` function to generate future predictions.

How can I visualize the inventory projection (PSI) results to gain insights and make informed decisions?

To visualize the inventory projection results, use popular data visualization libraries like Matplotlib, Seaborn, or Plotly. Create line plots, bar charts, or heatmaps to display the projected inventory levels, historical trends, and forecasted values. You can also use interactive visualizations to explore the data and gain insights into inventory patterns and seasonality. For example, use `matplotlib.pyplot.plot()` to create a line plot of the projected inventory levels.